
Vision Technician

Eye technician is otherwise called as Vision Technician in the healthcare industry .Vision technician plays vital role to start the diagnostic process for vision based examination of patients who were suffered by ophthalmic diseases.

Brief Job Description :

Vision Technician job is to do the certain clinical duties as well as the administrative duties. The primary administrative duties for the individuals are scheduling appointments, maintaining medical records, and clinical duties by following sequential medical procedures. This is also include taking note and to record vital signs and medical histories, To prepare patients for medical examination, and dispensing prescription to the ophthalmic patients.

Personal Attributes:

This job requires individuals to have tolerance & patience, should be highly skillful and confidence. The individual should also have high persistence with dynamic handling capacities. The basic requirements to become Vision technician are good analytical skills, Soft spoken & mechanical aptitude, good vision, better coordination and self-disciplined. The individual should work with high dedication and to deal patients by knowing their exact ophthalmic needs. Following characterized work ethics is very much important for becoming a Vision Technician.

To Dream Is Not Enough, To Dream And Achieve Is What Is Required

Dr. A.S. GANESAN, Chancellor